
Daniel Silva's blog

DevOps Engineer

Remote Sessions and notifications

On my last post, in the very end, I showed you an example of something quite simple that you could do with PowerShell on the RaspberryPi: Show a notification when a LED is left ON. In this post I will show you how I’ve managed to display the notification. This will consist of three sections: How to display a notification Enabling remote sessions through SSH The final script to display a notification from one device to another Showing a notification 🔗Because @WindosNZ #BurntToast module is awesome, I figured that there was something cool that I could do with it! And what's that? Get current temperature from my @Raspberry_Pi and receive the notification on windows10 machine. EVERYTHING using only #PowerShell pic.twitter.com/vJCEaoNMqi

Getting started with PowerShell (Core) on Raspbian (RaspberryPi)

Around a year ago, I started to investigate about new usages for my Raspberry Pi 3b . I love the Raspberry, a tiny, credit-card-sized SBC capable of running different operating systems, but most of the projects I found that seemed interesting were highly complex (or at least seemed) and used python, a language that I’m not familiar with. Around the same time, I also started to hear a lot about PowerShell (or maybe it caught my attention because I’ve started to use it at my work for simple stuff), as a scripting language mainly used (as far as I knew) to automate tasks.

Public access vs private access 🔗Authenticated access vs anonymous access 🔗public_network_access_enabled true public_network_access_enabled false allow_nested_items_to_be_public true allow_nested_items_to_be_public false SP access true SP access false